Thursday 27 February 2014

READING REVIEW- All Our Yesterdays

All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill

Grade: A

Percent: 87% / 100%

Stars: *****


A game of 'summarize your feels for this book (start to finish) in a sentence': Interesting... hmmm... she is so vexing...I KNEW IT... Action start soon... OH INTENSE... FEELS... this is a stand alone?!?

"What would you change?

Imprisoned in the heart of a secret military base, Em has nothing except the voice of the boy in the cell next door and the list of instructions she finds taped inside the drain.

Only Em can complete the final instruction. She’s tried everything to prevent the creation of a time machine that will tear the world apart. She holds the proof: a list she has never seen before, written in her own hand. Each failed attempt in the past has led her to the same terrible present—imprisoned and tortured by a sadistic man called the doctor while war rages outside. 

Marina has loved her best friend, James, since they were children. A gorgeous, introverted science prodigy from one of America’s most famous families, James finally seems to be seeing Marina in a new way, too. But on one disastrous night, James’s life crumbles, and with it, Marina’s hopes for their future. Marina will protect James, no matter what. Even if it means opening her eyes to a truth so terrible that she may not survive it... at least, not as the girl she once was. Em and Marina are in a race against time that only one of them can win." - Goodreads

Spoiler Free Review

     Okay, this book has been hyped to the spine (Hahaha get it... bad to the bone... hyped to the spine, book spine!) by those who have read it. For some reason this book hasn't been read a lot. Which is shocking considering the reviews it has been given so, why? I think it is because the book is not addicting. When you read Divergent or The Hunger Games you are just sucked into the world and you care about the characters. In this book you don't really LOVE the characters. The plot was not filled with action or fantastic quotes but instead could be confusing for those who don't put the puzzle together in their mind.

    Now onto the fantastic components, warning there are a lot! The Character development, wow I applaud the Chistin Terrill for that. In this book the characters are either fully developed or not even close. Chistin Terrill has this way where she gives memories of the past and you empathize and understand how that character became who they did. The plot was quick paced and intriguing. It was a mystery, assassin, doctor who -ish story which is pretty awesome! Finally, it was a stand alone! HUZZAH! No dragged on plot or unnecessary sequel or cliffhanger. You do not know how refreshing that is after books like *cough* The Selection *cough* The Elite *cough* The One, don't look at me I didn't say anything! !!!!!Updated I have recently been informed that there will sadly be a sequel!!!!!

     Go and read this book you will not regret it! It is as refreshing as a glass of lemonade and as original as cluster and fish sticks (DW reference *pats back* Don't judge! It is always an accomplishment to make a book reference.)

-Ariel G, The Reading Rebel

Wednesday 26 February 2014


Marissa Meyer Signing

     The other day I attended the Marissa Meyer Cress signing. Oh yes your assumptions are correct I got to meet the author and she signed my book, those were a given but still... AHHH FANGIRLING! WHO MET AN AUTHOR? YEAH THATS RIGHT I DID! I am calm now... well maybe not fully but, calm enough to not write in caps lock; which is more fun then it is given credit. Anyway the four hours of waiting were worth it! A little while before Marissa came on stage to speak they were having sort of a giveaway. In each activity the winner received a ten dollar gift card. For the last contest the Indigo employe requested three volunteers but of course did not mention what you would be volunteering for. My hand shoots straight up, ten dollar gift card? I'm in! The employe selects two people, one position left and he points to me. I jump up and walk right to the stage where of course they declare that we will be having a... DANCE OFF! WOOT WOOT! I am personally not afraid of embarrassing myself so this was right up my ally. Even though I was the youngest up there I just danced like an awkward fangirl! Just picture it a trio of introverts... dancing...on front of over hundred people. So after dancing in a group we went on to individual spot light performances. I did classic moves like robot, voguing and some weird arm artistic moves, when I showed people the video they were howling with laughter. In the end they judged by applause and I WON! VICTORY! Now I have a ten dollar gift card to use! 

     By now it was 7:00pm, time for the author event to start! Click here to watch Marissa's presentation. 

In the Q and A (not in the video) She mentioned these things:

1. Cinder's movie rights have been sold and there is a screenplay written. They are now looking for a directer. (Good news Lunartics there may be a movie!)

2. Her favourite character to write is Iko because her dialogue is fun.

3. Heartless will tell the story of the Queen of Hearts and how she became to be the Queen of Hearts and how she got a thing for beheading. (Interesting right?)

4. All her fanfiction that she wrote as a teen can still be found online. (I may need to go and read those)

After that was the anticipated book signing!

She also signed my copy of Scarlett (my copy of cinder is already signed)!

I even got to select a Lunar book thing! Which she signed as well!

I got to take pictures with her and I got to give her my Cress fanart!


What book should I get with my ten dollar gift card?

-Ariel G, The Reading Rebel